The global CO2 emissions have been in steady increase for more than 50 years inducing global warming. The CO2 emissions mainly derive from the use of fossil fuels, i.e. oil, natural gas and coal. Today, more than 80% of total primary energy is produced globally by fossil fuels. In order to cut down CO2 emissions, the fossil resources have to be at least partially replaced by renewable alternatives.
The renewable resources are diverse and often subject to seasonal and local availability changes. Therefore, a wide range of flexible technologies are needed for the renewable energy production. The major bottleneck in many of the available technologies is the investment and production cost. The COMSYN project combines latest technological innovations for a feasible biofuel production concept.
The COMSYN project started on 1st May, 2017, and will run for the next four years. It receives funding of EUR 5.1 million from EU Horizon 2020 Competitive Low-Carbon Energy call 08-2016. The aims of this specific call are to reduce biofuel cost significantly, increase conversion efficiency, diversify raw material base, reduce emissions, create job opportunities, and increase the flexibility and productivity of industrial processes.