Unipetrol Center for Research and Education (UniCRE) was awarded by the project of the year in the 13th PETROLawards competition. Within this competition, significant achievements in the field of production and distribution of fuels and petrol stations in the Czech Republic and Slovakia are selected. UniCRE succeeded with its project “Second generation biofuel from wood chips”.
Wood chips biofuel was created as part of the COMSYN innovation project in the international Union program for research and innovation – HORIZON 2020. The project focuses on the production of second generation biofuels from waste biomass. The new fuels are fundamentally different from the first-generation biofuels in terms of chemistry and applications. They are more efficient, economical and also more environmentally friendly.
The produced wood chips fuel, which can be used not only for mixing but also as a separate fuel, was appreciated in the competition by an expert committee composed of recognized experts, university educators and professional journalists. UniCRE director Jiří Hájek with his colleague Jan Jenčík and Niko Heikkinen from the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, attended the award ceremony at the traditional PETROLsummit conference.
The award ceremony at the traditional PETROLsummit conference on October 2019 in Prague: (left to right) Jiří Hájek (UniCRE), Niko Heikkinen (VTT), Jan Jenčík (UniCRE) and Gabriela Platilová (PETROLmedia) and prof. Milan Pospíšil (UCT Prague).